Easy recipes in a pinch

All have been in this situation: get home, go to the dinner and are given account that forgot to collect food and does not have much to work with throughout the House. What to do? You can go to the grocery store, but at this point is probably getting late and probably getting hungry. You can go to the route to take, of course, but this can get expensive and often the food is not as good as their home-cooked meals. Fortunately, there is another option: you can find easy recipes that use the few ingredients you have in your kitchen. There are many easy recipes that require few ingredients but are still delicious and filling.

Macaroni and cheese is one of the simplest things to make in a hurry. Most people have macaroni or a similar type of past around the House and there are many easy recipes for cheese sauce that require little more cheese and milk. If you have other condiments, onion salt and flakes of red pepper around the House, these will improve the sauce. If simply Macaroni and cheese doesn't sound appealing to you, you can easily convert into a casserole of macaroni. Add some vegetables - ideally fresh, but frozen or canned will work - and then sprinkle the few crumbs of bread and bake in a casserole dish. Soup of tomato and tuna also can be added to change up a little. There are endless possibilities when it comes to macaroni casserole.

Another great staple to keep around the House for when you need easy recipes is tomato soup. The soup alone would not be enough for dinner, but there are many easy recipes that begin with tomato soup. Add a quarter Cup of cream cheese to a can of tomato soup, along with some chopped onions, Basil or oregano you has, and has an easy tomato soup recipe. You can also add pasta rotini or fusilli, along with some vegetables and some remains of roast beef or sausage if you have, and you have a delicious and hearty soup that is easy to make and ready in minutes. This recipe is great especially because leftovers are good to work for lunch the next day, so it is simple and convenient. You don't have to have a lot of ingredients around the House to make a good meal. If you are creative and have an understanding of what is happening, you will be able to prepare a full and delicious dinner at any time to all. The key is to find easy recipes using only a few ingredients and always have these recipes at hand when you are in a position where you need to use them. You could even as some of them so that you will end up using them if you have other ingredients and other options of things to eat for dinner!

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Easy recipes in a PinchNot classification still

Corrina Kuhar has published 1 item. Article submitted on March 25, 2013. Word count: 501

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