Pros and cons of the use of natural food dyes

While we have heard a lot about the negative effects of artificial preservatives and food dyes for our health, we continue to consume foods containing them. We have many options when it comes to the ingredients of food eating in restaurants or grocery purchase. If you're seriously considering it controls the amount of artificial food that consumes, can make the alternative practice coloring and prepare their own food, putting in place of natural food colors. These are some of the natural ingredients that you can use to make your own food dyes and their pros and cons.


Grapes or grape skin is a great source of pigment to make purple dyes. The skin and flesh of the fruit is rich in anthocyanin compounds responsible for producing the vivid purple color. It is commonly used in sweets, yogurt, ice cream, jams and jellies. The vitamins contained in grapes help in the prevention and reduction of the risk of diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, disorders of the liver and kidney, diabetes, anemia and certain types of cancer.

This additive is not recommended for pregnant and nursing women. For some people it can cause sore throat, nausea and headaches and allergies.


A food popular ingredient to produce yellow colouring, turmeric is mainly used for seasoning foods, such as cheese, salads, soups, mustard and curry. Turmeric is Curcumin, which is said to prevent or reduce the risk of influenza, cirrhosis, ulcers, Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer. One should not use turmeric, though. Consume too much turmeric may lead to gastrointestinal diseases. It can also produce adverse effects in pregnant and lactating women. You don't need to use large quantities of turmeric to the coloring power anyway. Only a small quantity is sufficient to produce concentrated amounts of bright yellow coloring.


This is probably one of the most widely used, especially in sweets additives. Natural starches and sugars are caramelized with high temperatures, producing amber-colored liquid that can be used in soft drinks, processed meat. There are several kinds of candy, each one is categorized according to the chemical agent used for the caramelizing process. Keep away from dyes caramel containing ammonia and sulfide, which can be harmful for the body. Candy is delicious, but it has very little nutritional content, so it should be used with care. Eating too much candy coloring can lead to allergies, immunodeficiencies, diabetes, cancer and asthma in some people.

Beet juice

Beet is one of the most recommended ingredients of health for the production of food colours red and pink. The roots are juice, powdered and added to the portions of food and beverages, ice-cream, for seasoning. It packs a lot of nutrients including magnesium, manganese, iron, foliates, vitamin C and other antioxidants. Made with fruit from the beet juice is good for patients with immune deficiencies, renal disease, liver problems and colon cancer. It is also a good drink for those who want to control obesity.

Too much consumption of beets can cause allergies and damage the kidney stones. Pregnant and lactating women should consume sparingly beet root juice.

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