Humberto completo Mediterranean Salad

A Mediterranean Salad is a great resource of proteins , vitamins and nutrients and of course antioxidants that will help you to live a healthier life also the Mediterranean salad is a popular dish in the Mediterranean countries as well as all around the world.

The basic ingredients for a Mediterranean salad are:

1 Can of Beans
1 Cup of Shelled Edamame beans
Half of Cup Onions, that should be diced
Half of Cup Avocado, that should be diced
Half of Cup Tomatoes, that should be diced
Half of Cup Cucumber, that should be diced
A quarter of a Cup Green Onions, that should be diced
A quarter of a Cup Feta Cheese

For the dressing of the salad you may use lemon juice and olive oil, salt and pepper and a spice preferably oregano, but the spices can be adapted after your taste.

After you have all of these ingredients ready for you salad, you have to start by combining all of the ingredients in a bowl that you will also be using for serving the finished salad. With the help of a spoon or a fork mix all of the ingredients together, and after which in a separate bowl than the one with all the main ingredients, you should mix the dressing ingredients all together. For the final touch you have to pour the dressing over the salad and mix it all together, after which you can even decorate it if you want with a few lemons or other fruits, and that's it, an easy and quick way to make salad that is also tasty and healthy. If you have adopted a Mediterranean diet plan or you are planning to adopt one in the nearby future, salads will be an important part of your every day menu. There practically are hundreds of salads recipes so you can easily diversify your menu on a daily basis without much effort. By adopting a Mediterranean lifestyle and a Mediterranean diet plan you can have a healthier body, life a healthier life and also you can lose a few pounds in no time so you should start learning at least some salads recipes, and after you will feel the need for something different just take a look online for more other great and easy to cook recipes. Besides salads you should include in your daily meals a lot of fruits and vegetables and also olive oil should be used at preparing all your cooked dishes instead of sunflower oil.

All in all the Mediterranean salad is a great dish that you can prepare with ease and without any knowledge in the cooking field , again also this dish is very filling and also nutrient , has a lot of proteins and vitamins and is an active source of antioxidants.

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